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7 633 353 companies in system



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Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road

MH 11111 Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Marshall Islands

Tel./Fax: not listed
Your enquiry on _____________________

On the basis of the supplied enquiry data we could only match the above mentioned company. Please check your data and if necessary correct your stored data or supply us with further information.
Legal Status International Business Company / Offshore Company
Established 01.01.2009
Registration 01.01.2009
Marshall Islands
registration number: 11111
Shareholders The company is owned by foreign shareholders.
Share Capital not given
Management Locally managed by the following registered agent:
The TTT Company of the Marshall Islands, Inc.
General Data TTT TRADING LIMITED is an International Business Company / Offshore Company incorporated in The Marshall Islands for tax purposes.

Subject company does not carry any operation in The Marshall Islands;

There has been no insight into subject’s actual operations.

Subject is not registered with The Marshall Islands Chamber of Commerce as being an active business;

Subject is not listed with The Marshall Islands yellow pages.

Subject is not listed with the major local credit bureaus.

Registered office at above address;

Subject’s registered agent at that address is: The TTT Company of the Marshall Islands, Inc.

Pursuant to the Marshall Islands Business Corporations

Act, Marshall Islands non-resident domestic corporations are not required to publicly file information with the Registrar of Corporations regarding the company's business activities, accounts, directors, officers, or shareholders.

As such the Trust Company of the Marshall Islands, Inc. is unable to produce any such information.
Staff the company does not have any employee in The Marshall Islands; it uses the registered agent staff
Annual Sales no figures available
Assets no figures available
Liabilities no further insight into company’s financial affairs for outside sources balance sheets are not available, since there is no obligation to publish accounts
Bankers 11111BANK
Mode of payments no sufficient experience
Credit opinion credits require securities
Рейтинг@Mail.ru Rambler's Top100
© National Credit Bureau, 2002-2019 гг.
t. +7 (495) 229-67-47 (многоканальный)