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National Credit Bureau
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7 633 353 companies in system

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How to subscribe

Оформить доступ

Commercial (chargeable) information of the Credit Bureau is on-line available:

  • for snapshot (one )inquiry only
  • Access to the subscribers
  • Special rates plan

To get access to the information the login and the password with your account are needed.

For snapshot (one )inquiry only.

“Search“ function is designed to define presumably on free of charge basis the inquiry size (format )and to check if the information needed is available.

Use “ Rates “ section to bind the inquiry size to the rates plans and to keep an on-line account.

The electronic questionnaire contains the total amount payable, user` s application-form, contact group information, the means of the account delivery.

The payment to the address mentioned at E-mail account being effected, the login and the password for the amount of information units paid and accrued at your account are immediately forwarded.

Access to the subscribers.

You may have free access to the Credit Bureau information resources according to amount paid.

The payment is effected in compliance with reduced rates scheme related to snapshot (one) inquiry.

The number of paid information units is registered at your account.

Special rates plan.

Only “ Build your credit history” is accessible. Separatepayment should be effected. The login and the password serve this function only.

To identify precisely and to protect from an unauthorized altering profile content user` s name must coincide with the name of the accountholder.

The cost of information is debited at your (personal) account just at the moment of the statement delivery. Your personal account, login and password stay reserved for the user even if the balance is nil and can be revived at any time after a new deposit is made.

Inquiries already made are kept in the section “history of inquiries and its content may be viewed at any time desirable.

Рейтинг@Mail.ru Rambler's Top100
© National Credit Bureau, 2002-2019 гг.
t. +7 (495) 229-67-47 (многоканальный)