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7 633 353 companies in system
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Открыть agriculture
Закрыть construction
design, projects research and prospecting organizations
Открыть general construction and specialized organizations carrying out assembly and other works on contractual and self-reliance basis [6]
managing division in construction
organizations carrying out major overhaul constructions for industrial application
organizations carrying out operational drilling
Открыть organizations carrying out repair of constructions for non-productive application, repair and construction of dwellings (apartments) on customers` orders
Открыть dwelling and public utilities services
Открыть forestry
Закрыть industry
asbestos industry
Открыть chemical and petrochemical industry (pharmaceutical industry excluded)
Закрыть construction materials industry
asbestos and concrete wares industry
Открыть concrete-making industry
industry for prefabricated ferrous and concrete designs and wares (wall-block materials excluded)
Открыть industry of building ceramics
manufacturing construction materials and wares from polymeric raw material
nonmetallic construction materials industry
soft roof and waterproof materials industry
Открыть wall-block materials industry
economic management in industry
Открыть electric power industry
electrode industry
Открыть ferrous metallurgy
Открыть flour-grinding, grain and mixed fodder industry
Открыть food-processing industry
Закрыть fuel industry
Открыть gas industry
oil-extracting industry
petroleum-refining industry
Открыть glass, china and faience industry (enterprises for medical products from a glass and porcelain excluded)
hard alloys, refractory and heat resistant metals production
heat-proof materials industry
Открыть industry of calcareous, plaster and local binding materials and its byproducts
Открыть industry of porous fillers
Открыть industry to extract and process natural stones facing materials
Открыть light industry
Открыть mechanical engineering and metal working (medical tools industry excluded) (2 )
Открыть medical industry
Открыть microbiological industry
Закрыть non rock metals industry
nonmetallic ores extraction
produce manufacturing from nonmetallic ores
Открыть nonferrous metallurgy
Открыть other industrial branches
Открыть other manufactures of construction materials industry
Открыть peat industry
Закрыть precious metals and diamonds mining industry
diamond mining
precious metals and alloys production
precious metals mining
printing industry
Открыть processing nonferrous metals
Открыть processing of passing petroleum gas
Закрыть rare metals and semiconductor materials industry
radioactive and beryl materials production
radioactive metals production and treatment
rare metals ores extraction and concentration ( radioactive and beryl ores excluded)
rare metals production (radioactive metals excluded)
semiconductor materials production
secondary ( scrap)non ferrous metals production
slate industry
state quality control of industrial production, state supervision and standards and measurements means control
Открыть wood, wood-working and a pulp and paper industry
Открыть logistics and selling
Открыть trade and public catering
Открыть transport and communications
Рейтинг@Mail.ru Rambler's Top100
© National Credit Bureau, 2002-2019 гг.
t. +7 (495) 229-67-47 (многоканальный)